Ending Homelessness #HousesATPARLIAMeNT
Join Destination Accessible in supporting Victorian Homelessness Network’s (tag) campaign to end homelessness in Australia.
There are 60,000 households on the social housing waitlist TODAY and the numbers are growing every week. So, we are asking the State and Federal Governments to build at least 60,000 additional, appropriate social homes to meet the growing need in Victoria.
Help us fold 60,000 origami houses, and display the leading up to and during Homelessness Week.
On the 31st July, we’ll be displaying 6,000 origami houses at Parliament House (representing 10% of the 60,000 social homes needed in Victoria), to highlight the urgent need for Governments to fix the housing crisis and end homelessness.
We are asking that State and Federal Governments commit to:
- Building at least 60,000 additional, appropriate social homes to meet the current need in Victoria;
- Implementing the 10 year National plan, with a commitment to END homelessness.
Visit https://www.vhn.org.au/how-you-can-get-involved to figure out how you can get involved.
Women's Pain inquiry and Submission
Women frequently encounter obstacles when attempting to access essential services for their physical and psychological well-being.
Victoria’s Department of Health, aims to address the systemic barriers and inequalities that have historically marginalised women’s healthcare. By expanding access to comprehensive, inclusive, and high-quality services, the Victorian Government is taking significant strides towards achieving better health outcomes for women across the state. About the Women’s Health and Wellbeing Program
The Department of Health’s Inquiry into Women’s Pain is asking Victorian girls and women to share their experiences of pain and pain management.
You can participate by making a written submission or completing a survey. Survey and submissions close 31 July 2024.
Inquiry into Women’s Pain submissions (health.vic.gov.au)
For those who had the chance to attend and participate in the Inquiry Into Women’s Pain Forum in Geelong at the beginning of this month, found that it was an enriching experience where attendees got to hear from the guest speaker Kat Theopanhous MLA – Member for Northcote and Parliamentary Secretary for Women’s Health. Her insights on the Inquiry into women’s pain, alongside the expert panel, made for a truly engaging and informative event.